Now, I am not one of those people who weigh everyday! In fact I don't weigh EVER! I don't even OWN scales. Can't handle the pressure! I can tell by the way my clothes fit, if I am where I need to be.....or not! My clothes also "speak" to me!
Here lately, they have been screaming their heads off!! I have not been listening!
Finally....I looked behind me one day....Lord have Mercy! Where did THAT come from and whose is it???
Alas, it was mine...My rear end!! It seems to have taken on a life of its own! It's own little personality...if you will...
I'm not happy with it! Nope....not at all!
So...BACK to Weight Watchers I go! AGAIN! It just seems to me that once you lose the weight, it should stay gone!! But, that is not the case...
So, once again, I am counting points, which I don't think I get NEAR enough of, let me tell you! It is 1:30 p.m., I get 21 points a day...guess how many I have left???? 10! Yep, 10!
That's not enough! Not near enough!
But I am motivated. All I have to do is turn around if my resolve starts to fade and I instantly RE-motivate!! Dear Lord!
So....15 lbs to lose....really I would prefer 20....I am keeping my goal "real" however, and setting it for 15...aaack!!
Poor Steve....when he met me I was a skinny minnie! Not necessarily by choice mind you. You know how it is when you go through a really bad divorce and you aren't dieting, you just CAN'T eat! So pounds just drop off before your very eyes!
I did warn him that that size was NOT normal for me! I am a big boned gal! Yeah, that's it! It's my BONES that weigh so much! Dense little hummers!
That butt bone there? She's a doozie!