I told him that I wanted a new camera....REALLY....REALLY....BAD!
I pointed out that I was almost out of my favorite perfume......
I showed him a coat I LOVED....
Come Christmas Eve....my gifts that he wrapped were under the tree....
I am sitting on the sofa staring at them and thinking.....
Not big enough to be a pair of boots in that box......
Definitely, definitely NOT a coat.....
Not small enough to be my perfume....
Doesn't look like a camera box......
So....what was it you ask?
You really want to know???
Well, it was a Nintendo DS and two games.........
I'll give you a minute to process this.....go ahead.....take your time......really....
WHAT??????? A Nintendo DS??? Okaaaaaay!!
Seriously......SERIOUSLY.....WHAT WAS HE THINKING!!!!!
I am really an easy person to buy for!! REALLY I AM!!
Lord have Mercy on my SOUL and ALL the little children of the World!!
I simply do.not.get.it!!
And I looked at him and he was so proud of himself! Bless his heart! He said, I remembered one day you saw these on a commercial and said it looked like it would be fun....
Seriously, that HAD to be 6 MONTHS AGO!!!! AT LEAST!!
Dear Heaven, give me strength.....
I smiled and thanked him and told him it was just perfect.........cos' that's how I roll.....
I am just venting here....to you guys....
Thankfully.....he doesn't read my blog.....
I am buying my OWN gifts next year~~!
Gotta love him....